We are currently looking for stakeholder input through an online Delphi Process!
The GAmes for Rehabilitation DEsign Nexus (GARDEN) is a project aimed at bringing together the worlds of rehabilitation for health conditions and designing videogames. To do so, we are developing the GARDEN Framework, which will conceptually link game design fundamentals with how we think about rehabilitation therapy with an emphasis on the client/player experience. The GARDEN Framework may be used to help improve the design and development of videogames specifically as both therapeutic and engaging experiences.
As a part of the GARDEN Project, we invite you to take part in this research study as you have declared your interest and are eligible as someone involved in rehabilitation and research; game design and development; and/or as an end-user or caregiver with experience using games for health. The purpose of the study is to refine GARDEN Framework according to a broader panel of experts in rehabilitation, game design, and end-users of rehabilitation games using a consensus approach called an online Delphi process (e-Delphi). We would like to include your perspective as an expert in this consensus process. This study is being conducted by Dr. William C. Miller (Bill) through the University of British Columbia, Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy.
Who are stakeholders?
- Individuals who are directly impacted by the success of something (e.g., a product, organization, treatement, etc)
Which stakeholders are we looking for?
- Research experts (e.g., rehabilitation researchers, occupational therapists, physical therapists, etc)
- Game designers and developers
- People who have used video games for assistance with their rehabilitation or health managament
How do I participate in this study?
- Go to our “Get Involved!” page for more information